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[Keyword] network management(56hit)


  • Traffic Matrix Estimation Using Spike Flow Detection

    Susumu SHIMIZU  Kensuke FUKUDA  Ken-ichiro MURAKAMI  Shigeki GOTO  


    E88-B No:4

    This paper proposes a new method of estimating real-time traffic matrices that only incurs small errors in estimation. A traffic matrix represents flows of traffic in a network. It is an essential tool for capacity planning and traffic engineering. However, the high costs involved in measurement make it difficult to assemble an accurate traffic matrix. It is therefore important to estimate a traffic matrix using limited information that only incurs small errors. Existing approaches have used IP-related information to reduce the estimation errors and computational complexity. In contrast, our method, called spike flow measurement (SFM) reduces errors and complexity by focusing on spikes. A spike is transient excessive usage of a communications link. Spikes are easily monitored through an SNMP framework. This reduces the measurement costs compared to that of other approaches. SFM identifies spike flows from traffic byte counts by detecting pairs of incoming and outgoing spikes in a network. A matrix is then constructed from collected spike flows as an approximation of the real traffic matrix. Our experimental evaluation reveals that the average error in estimation is 28%, which is sufficiently small for the method to be applied to a wide range of network nodes, including Ethernet switches and IP routers.

  • A New Handover Control in the Current and Future Wireless Networks

    Hakima CHAOUCHI  Guy PUJOLLE  

    PAPER-Mobility Management

    E87-B No:9

    In this article we propose a new framework to support QoS and 4G enabled mobility management. The key feature of this framework is twofold; the Policy based Handover control, and the adaptive handover mechanisms. On one hand, the adaptive handover mechanism will allow the selection of different handover schemes based on the user service level specification in order to differentiate the handover quality provided for the required service level, thus optimizing the network resources usage and providing the agreed service level to users. On the other hand, the proposed handover control mechanism considers resource availability and other constraints during the handover decision in order to provide support for QoS aware mobility on the contrary of the classical naïve mobility management that considers only signal strength fading. This decision mechanism will provide mainly the interaction between the mobility and QoS management frameworks but also a 4G handover control. In addition, the QoS aware handover will provide the knowledge necessary to achieve a proactive handover's procedures control.

  • Programmable Traffic Monitoring Method Based on Active Network Techniques and Application to DDoS Detection

    Toru HASEGAWA  Shigehiro ANO  Fumito KUBOTA  

    PAPER-Security Issues

    E87-B No:7

    As the Internet has become the infrastructure for the global communication, the quality degradation due to network failures and illegal traffic such as DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) have become a serious problem. In order to solve the problem, a network monitoring system that monitors the traffic of Internet in real time is strongly desired. Traffic monitors that collect the statistics from captured packets play a key roll in the system; however, they are not flexible enough for being used in the rapidly changing Internet. The traditional approach such that a new traffic monitor is developed for a new requirement results in a long turn around time of the development. Therefore, we have proposed a flexible network monitoring system that consists of programmable traffic monitors. Traffic monitors are made programmable by introducing active network techniques; therefore, we call the network monitoring system as the programmable monitor network. This paper describes the implementation of the programmable monitor network and its application to DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attack detection.

  • A Hierarchically Distributed Network Management System for Multi-Layered IP/Photonic GMPLS Networks

    Hiroshi MATSUURA  Hideo IMANAKA  Kazumasa TAKAMI  

    PAPER-Optical Network Operation

    E87-B No:7

    The cost-effective provision of IP services requires multi-layered traffic engineering to obtain dynamic cooperation between IP and photonic layers. The effective control and management of generalized multi-protocol label-switching (GMPLS) networks is an essential part of this. Huge photonic capacities and the number of IP and photonic networks make it likely that enormous amounts of GMPLS network-related data will have to be managed in the near future. At the same time, routing burdens on individual GMPLS routers are critical because of the strong need for per-path quality of service (QoS). To solve these problems, we propose a hierarchically distributed network-management system (NMS) in which we flexibly allocate a GMPLS subnetwork to each sub-NMS and at the same time conduct QoS routing. The distributed nature of our architecture reduces the burden on the NMS as a whole and also lets us remove the routing-burden from GMPLS routers with minimum effect on management processes.

  • The Basis for an Adaptive IP QoS Management

    Miguel FRANKLIN DE CASTRO  Lela MERGHEM  Dominique GAITI  Abdallah M'HAMED  

    PAPER-Congestion Control

    E87-B No:3

    The new Internet has to provide the Quality of Services to converged multimedia services, in which each one may choose its own requirements. Managing such a dynamic network is not an easy task. A more intelligent and adaptive behavior is required from network management. We argue that agents are able to realize this task by dynamically adapting management mechanisms to the current network conditions. This article presents a Behavioral Multi-Agent-based model for QoS-enabled Internet. Based on this behavioral approach, we analyze network management mechanisms (or "elementary behaviors") in terms of performance and applicability profile. We use simulation to observe services performances when submitted to diverse QoS management elementary behaviors.

  • Itinerant Agents for Network Management

    Ichiro SATOH  

    PAPER-Network Control and Management

    E86-B No:10

    This paper proposes a framework for building a reusable mobile agent from two kinds of components: an itinerary component and an application-specific logic component. Both components are implemented as mobile agents. The former is a carrier of the latter over particular networks and the latter defines management tasks performed at each host independently of the network. This framework also provides a mechanism for matchmaking the two mobile agent-based components. Since the mechanism is formulated based on a process algebra approach, it can strictly select a suitable itinerary component to perform management tasks at the hosts that the tasks want to visit over the networks. A prototype implementation of this framework and its application were built on a Java-based mobile agent system. We summarize the lessons learned while formalizing and implementing the approach and we compare it to related work.

  • Creation of Mobile Communication Network Provisioning Systems Based on an Organization Hierarchy Agent Model

    Kazuhide TAKAHASHI  Hideyuki SAKURAMOTO  Toshiya WATANABE  Nobuhiro TANIGAWA  


    E86-D No:8

    The explosive increase in demand for mobile communication services has created a sudden increase in the number of subscribers to these services, and in mobile communication network traffic. Mobile communication networks contain extremely large numbers of network elements (NEs). Replacing the NE software requires extremely large numbers of provisioning workers with the advance knowledge and experience. This paper describes the basic concept of the organization hierarchy agent model, devised for application to the operation support systems (OSSs) that are being used to support provisioning works. By applying this agent model to OSSs, OSS software can be rapidly and flexibly changed to meet changes and additions to provisioning works procedures. This paper also describes the characteristics of the completed systems that apply this agent model, and presents performance evaluation results for the systems.

  • Network Map Architecture Using Inter-Agent Communication Techniques for Multiple QoS Routing

    Kazuhiko KINOSHITA  Tomokazu MASUDA  Keita KAWANO  Hideaki TANIOKA  Tetsuya TAKINE  Koso MURAKAMI  


    E85-B No:7

    To diffuse multimedia information services, communication networks must guarantee the quality of services (QoSs) requested by users. In addition, users should be allowed to observe the network in order to customize their own services. A new network management architecture is therefore essential. It must perceive not only node connectivity, but also network failure points and the traffic situation dynamically. This paper introduces the network map as such an architecture on personalized multimedia communication networks and proposes multiple QoS routing using the network map. Moreover, a prototype system is built in order to verify the availability of the network map.

  • Partial Extension Package for the Flexible Customization of a Network Management Information Model

    Tetsuo OTANI  Yoshikazu YAMAMOTO  

    PAPER-Network Management/Operation

    E84-B No:7

    A knowledge gap between network operators and system developers in Network Management System (NMS) construction has widened. This has been caused by an expansion of supported business processes and increasingly sophisticated network management functions. This gap makes system development costly and time consuming. Function development, led by operators, is a promising solution to the problems caused by the gap. This type of development should not require an operator to know how to develop NMS. Standard objects may be used to meet this requirement and save time and the cost of NMS construction. However, they are not sufficient to design functions supporting some tasks that are for providing custom services. In this paper, we propose a partial extension package, composed of several object classes. This package is attached to the standard objects to design a custom function. Information processing in a new function can be added, and easily modified, using this package. This package specifies states that invoke the information processing. It also includes objects that add new data without changing standard objects. It makes use of several design patterns in order to weaken coupling to the standard objects. We have applied this package to two programs. One plans maintenance tasks schedules, the other sets threshold values for quality of service. We made use of software metrics to measure their performance in terms of flexibility. The results show that the proposed package continues to make it possible to reuse the standard objects, and makes it easy to modify the behavior of a new function.

  • Automatic Topology Discovery of IP Networks

    Hwa-Chun LIN  Shou-Chuan LAI  Ping-Wen CHEN  Hsin-Liang LAI  


    E83-D No:1

    This paper proposes two topology discovery algorithms for IP networks, namely, a network layer topology discovery algorithm and a link layer topology discovery algorithm. The network layer topology discovery algorithm discovers the subnets and devices in the network of interest and the connections among them. The devices in a subnet can be found by a network layer topology discovery algorithm; however, the connections among the devices cannot be obtained. The link layer topology discovery algorithm is proposed to find the devices in a subnet and the connections among them. The two algorithm are integrated to find the detailed topology map of an IP network. The proposed topology discovery algorithms are implemented based on the Tcl/Tk and Scotty environment. Some implementation details are discussed.

  • Towards TMN-Based Integrated Network Management Using CORBA and Java Technologies

    Jae-Young KIM  Hong-Taek JU  James Won-Ki HONG  Seong-Beom KIM  Chan-Kyou HWANG  


    E82-B No:11

    Today's complicated and heterogeneous telecommunication network environments need fully-integrated, cost-effective, user-friendly management systems. When developing such management systems in distributed environments, many telecommunication companies are carefully adopting CORBA and Java technologies. CORBA technology enables developers to create and manipulate distributed management system components easily while Java technology liberates human users from complicated and proprietary management system interfaces. In this paper, we propose a TMN-based integration framework for distributed network management by combining both CORBA and Java technologies. The framework generalizes a logically-layered architecture from the management agents layer to the user interface layer. It also provides generalized TMN management interfaces using inter-domain gateway systems for coordinating heterogeneous management protocols. By using these interfaces, TMN management function components can be easily constructed as CORBA objects to provide powerful TMN management services to administrators via user-friendly Web browsers. On the basis of this framework, we have designed and implemented a TMN alarm surveillance system which realizes our framework.

  • An Implementation of TINA-Based Connection Management System for ATM Networks

    Yoshitsugu TSUCHIYA  Sakae CHIKARA  Fumito SATO  Hiroshi ISHII  


    E82-B No:11

    This paper proposes an implementation of the Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA) connection management system, based on our involvement of The TINA Trial (TTT). The system is used for managing ATM networks, which consist of network elements with SNMP interfaces. It provides setup, configuration, and release of ATM connection with a GUI-based network design tool that generates network resource data used for deploying TINA software components. This paper reports on a method of implementing TINA components over a Distributed Processing Environment (DPE) and an effective way to manage computational objects with multiple interfaces by using the Trading Service.

  • Web-Based Internet/Intranet Service Management with QoS Support

    Jong-Tae PARK  Jong-Wook BAEK  


    E82-B No:11

    In this paper, we design and implement a Web-based Internet/Intranet service management system which can support Quality of Service (QoS) contracted by users and service providers, using Service Level Agreement (SLA) concept. We have analyzed the requirements and management information for Internet/Intranet service management. Based on this analysis, we have defined the suitable QoS parameters for the management of Internet/Intranet services, and developed new WWW service Management Information Bases (MIBs) for QoS management by extending the existing IETF's MIBs. The support of QoS management is done by incorporating the SLA concept, which is measured, monitored and controlled systematically in a multi-domain environment. Finally, we have built a prototype system, and evaluated its performance. The prototype system utilizes Java and CORBA technologies, so that various benefits of these technologies such as platform independence and scalability can be obtained.

  • A Platform Architecture for the Integration of CORBA Technology within TMN Framework

    Jong-Tae PARK  Moon-Sang JEONG  Seong-Beom KIM  


    E82-B No:11

    Up to now, a lot of efforts have been made for the management of telecommunication networks and equipment, but less effort has been made for the realization of higher-layer service and business management. Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) provides the infrastructure for interoperability of various object-oriented management applications in a distributed environment, and being widely used to develop distributed systems in many areas of information processing technologies. There are recently worldwide growing interests for applying CORBA technology for the realization of higher layer Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) management functions. In this paper, we propose a platform architecture for the efficient integration of CORBA technology within TMN framework, where CORBA-based management functions as well as TMN-based management functions can be realized efficiently. GDMO/ASN. 1 to IDL translator has been designed and implemented for translating TMN management information into OMG CORBA IDL interface. The CORBA/CMIP gateway has also been designed for realization of the interaction translation specification of JIDM task force with some additional extensions. Finally, we evaluate the performance of the CORBA-based network management system, and analyze the code reusability for the construction of the CORBA-based management system, in order to show the efficiency of the architecture.

  • Towards Application-Centric Flexible Network Operation and Management



    E82-B No:6

    To design and develop user-oriented, flexible and distributed applications which can deal with various users' requirements, new technologies to manage, control and utilize the services of communication networks have to be provided. In this paper, the current challenges faced by large-scale distributed applications are discussed and a framework for the next generation network operation and management is presented on the basis of agent-based computing technologies. Examples of flexible distributed applications are presented to clarify the role of application-centric flexible network operation and management.

  • A Proposal of Event Correlation for Distributed Network Fault Management and Its Evaluation

    Nei KATO  Kohei OHTA  Tomohiro IKA  Glenn MANSFIELD  Yoshiaki NEMOTO  


    E82-B No:6

    In a distributed network management environment, a NMS (Network Management Station) interacts with several agents in different sub-networks. In the network fault management context, the NMS detects symptoms that indicate some abnormality e. g. a surge in ICMP traffic, which may be caused by some network malfunction or misuse. The occurrence of a symptom is an event. Large number of events may be detected by an NMS. The sheer number of these events makes it difficult, if not impossible, for an NMS to diagnose these events. Generally, a fault may have a cascading effect which may, in turn, give rise to a very large number of events. The sequence of events and their correlation play an important role in fault management and diagnosis. In the distributed environment of todays networks, the absence of any uniform time for reference makes this a challenging task. In the present network management framework of SNMP, a Manager maintains a notion of the clock of the agent it interacts with. But this mechanism is inadequate to determine the sequence of events and their correlation, more so, in a distributed environment which may involve several managers. In this paper we propose a mechanism for ordering and correlating events detected in large-scale network which is managed in a distributed manner within the SNMP framework. Our algorithm uses the concept of a Network Management Clock (NMC). The NMC is a virtual clock maintained by a manager based on sysUpTime readings from each SNMP agent. In this paper, the algorithm, its implementation and evaluation will be discussed.

  • A Network Dependence Graph for Modeling Network Services and Its Use in Fault Location

    Katsuhisa MARUYAMA  Shozo NAITO  


    E82-D No:4

    As network services become more diverse and powerful, service applications that perform such services are acquiring an ever-larger amount of complicated and changeable relationships. We present a network dependence graph (NDG) that captures both data and control flow relationships between components of service applications that work collaboratively. This graph is constructed based on analysis of both the behavior of each of the service applications and their configuration, which describes the device names they refer to, and allows network slicing to be implemented as a simple graph traversal. Network slicing is the extraction of necessary and minimum service components that may affect the execution of a specified service application; it helps a network manager to find the location of service faults lurking somewhere in the network. We also present a method for locating faults that uses network slicing and a system based on this method.

  • Further Research on Systematical Information Modeling

    Demin WU  Wei LU  

    PAPER-Communication Networks and Services

    E80-B No:9

    A new scheme based on hierarchical information organization and situation awareness to support network manager in failure localization is proposed. This paper integrates the situation theory for the needs of fault management to model the states and events. As the result, the proposed information model includes four fault management viewpoints to support situational, functional, logical and physical analysis within the respective networks. Object-oriented analysis is applied to construct the information. The correlation of network situation is derived by description logic. The proposed classification algorithm is applied to solve the situation awareness problem. By using this proposal the correlation performance is enhanced to logarithmic order.

  • Performance Analysis of the Network Management Protocol in the CDMA PCS Network

    KyungSu PARK  CheolHye CHO  Dong-Ho CHO  

    PAPER-System Implementation

    E80-B No:6

    In the future PCS (personal communication system), it is needed to use wireless and wired resources most efficiently, because of the increase of users and various multimedia traffics. Therefore, there have been much researches on CDMA (code division multiple access) whose frequency reuse is most efficient. Here, if one of PCS subsystems is broken down because of system, power, or network failure, it is impossible to serve PCS user terminals anymore. To solve this problem, the integrated network management function is required to examine each subsystem periodically or non-periodically, and handle each error properly, and inform network manager or PCS service management center of error occurrence. In this paper, we consider standard SNMP (simple network management protocol) and CMIP (common management information protocol) as the management protocol of PCS land mobile network. Also, we present the overall structure of management information taking CDMA PCS characteristics into consideration. Since there were little considerations for characteristics specific to cellular environment in the conventional network management systems, we add the CDMA PCS-specific management informations to each agent systems. Thereafter, we present the optimum network management protocol stack for PCS environment which provides TMN (telecommunications management network) interfaces among each subsystems as well as including wired networks.

  • An Implementation of a Hierarchical LAN Management System Based Upon Analysis of Network Management Operations

    Tetsuo IDEGUCHI  Shoichiro SENO  Yuuji KOUI  Akira WATANABE  

    PAPER-System Implementation

    E80-B No:6

    Today's enterprise information systems are modeled on the client/server paradigm over LANs interconnected by WANs, but it involves problems of network management costs and complicated management jobs. So efficient network management is strongly required for LANs interconnected by WANs. In this paper, we describe a hierarchical enterprise network management system for LANs interconnected by WANs, based upon analysis of LAN management operations. This network management system has a hierarchical model with three levels, i.e., center level, area level, and user-site level. We also describe how this system was implemented as a nation-wide corporate network with many LAN sites, emphasizing on its functional structure. This network's success has confirmed usefulness of the management system.


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